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Connect the Web Portal


Web Portal allows you to create collections of files to share them with others. These collections are called shares. The creator and owner of a share is the only one that has the ability to edit or delete the share, or to update the list of its files. The owner can also invite other users to it or restrict the access.

Invited users can only view and download the files within the share, without having the ability to edit the shared content.

Shares can't just be created manually but also automatically by a PLOSSYS 4 printer.

Web Portal functionality also includes optional email notifications when a share gets contributed or accessed. These notifications can be disabled on a share-by-share basis. Email integration is optional for the Web Portal. If it isn't configured the Web Portal will not send emails.

Keycloak Configuration

If you are using an already existent Keycloak, execute the following steps to add the needed client and obtain the client secret.

Hint - SEAL Keycloak installation

SEAL Keycloak installation comes with a preconfigured client named seal-webportal for SEAL Web Portal. When using it, go to your Keycloak Admin Console. Under Clients select the seal-webportalclient and continue with step 3 of the instructions below.

  1. Open Keycloak.

  2. Select the SEAL realm in the dropdown menue on the top left.

    You find the dropdown menu to select the keycloak real at the top of the left sidebar menu.

  3. Check if the seal-webportal client exists. Otherwise create it with the following settings.

    • General Settings:

    • Client ID: seal-webportal

    • Name: SEAL Webportal

    • Description: Webportal client for internal communication

    Client Settings for the seal-webportal client in Keycloak

    • Confirm with Next.

    • Capability Config:

    • Client authentication: ON

    • Standard Flow: OFF

    • Implicit Flow: OFF

    • Direct Access Grants: OFF

    • Service Account Roles: ON

    Client Settings for the seal-webportal client in Keycloak

    • Confirm with Next.

    • Click Save to save the client.

  4. Switch to the Roles tab for the seal-webportal client. If the role service-account does not exit yet, press create role and add it with the following values:

    Adding a role for the seal-webportal client in Keycloak

    • name: service-account

    • description: Default role for the service user

    Dialogue for adding a role for the seal-webportal client in Keycloak

    Final view of the roles settings for the seal-webportal client in Keycloak

  5. Go to the Service accounts roles tabfor the seal-webportal client. Assign the following roles to the client, if they aren't already in the list:

    • seal-webportal > service-account - used by ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS

    • realm-management > view-users- used to convert user emails to keycloak uuids

      Different role name in older Keycloak versions

      If you are using a Keycloak older than version 21, the service account role SEAL-realm > view users is name realm-management > view-users instead.

    To do so, click Assign role and change Filter by realm roles to Filter by clients. Select the roles and confirm by Assign.

    Assign roles - filter by clients

    Assign roles

    The final view should look like this:

    Final view of the assigned roles

  6. Change to the Credentials tab and copy the client secret for the seal-webportal client. You will need it to configure the Web Portal connector next.

    Obtaining the client secret from Keycloak

Configure the Connector

In SEAL Operator, activate the connector and specify the keys for the connection:

  1. Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  2. Export the complete configuration of SEAL Operator from Consul to a YAML file with the following command. So you're making sure the current configuration settings are being used.

    operator config export <filename>.yml --insecure
  3. Edit the exported file <filename>.yml.

  4. In the section of the Web Portal (webportal) connector, set cstatus to on.

            cstatus: 'on'
            serviceName: operator-webportal
            url: 'https://localhost:3019'
  5. In the env section, specify the following keys for the operator-webportal service:

              AUTH_PROVIDER: keycloak
              KC_ADMIN_BASE_URL: https://localhost:32769
              LOG_LEVEL: debug
              MONGO_SERVER_URL: mongodb://localhost:27017/operator-webportal
              OPERATOR_SERVER_URL: https://localhost:3008
              STORAGE_SERVICE_NAME: operator-fileupload
              WEBPORTAL_CLIENT_ID: seal-webportal
              WEBPORTAL_CLIENT_SECRET: 1f86ba87-64f2-4c3f-9c92-bbd5befdf6f7

    Hint - changed URL as of Keycloak 21.0.1

    As of SEAL-specific Keylcloak version 21.0.1, the URL needed for KC_ADMIN_BASE_URL has changed.

    • old value: https://<hostname>:32769/auth
    • new value: https://<hostname>:32769

    Literature - keys

    For further information about available keys, refer to the Key Reference.

  6. Save the <filename>.yml file and re-import it to Consul.

    operator config import <filename>.yml --insecure

Configure Roles (Optional)

In the OIDC identity provider, roles are configured to which the users will be assigned. In the configuration of the seal-operator-server and seal-operator-fileupload services, the permissions for the database entities are mapped to these roles. The specific permissions depend on the OIDC client.

The following OIDC clients are available in connection with SEAL Operator:

  • seal-print-client for SEAL Print Client

  • seal-opcli for SEAL OP-CLI

  • seal-webportal for SEAL Web Portal

In the OIDC identity provider, roles are configured to which the users will be assigned. For example, in the preconfigured Keycloak from SEAL Systems, seal-print-client-user, techuser and service-account are available as roles.

The mapping of the permissions and the roles is specified as JSON object with the following key:

Hint - maintainability

Although the key is available for several services and can be added for each of them, it is advised to consolidate all permissions in one entry at dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

Hint - usage of Consul

Due to the possible complexity of the JSON string for ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS it is advised to add or change its value via Consul (https://localhost:8500), which has an inbuilt JSON format validation. In Consul the key is specified here: dc/home/env/service/any/tag/any/ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

Hint - template for ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS

SEAL Operator CLI has functionality to generate a template for this key.

operator config template ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS --file template.json

Please note, that the template doesn't take the current value of this key into account. For further information refer to Administrate Configuration.

Available Keys and Values

This section explains the available keys and values of the json object for ALLOWED_OIDC_CLIENTS.

  "<oidc-client>": {
    "roles": {
      "<role-specified-in-oidc>": {
        "areas": {
          "documents": {
            "set-<name>": {
              "views": [selection of items>],
              "permissions": [<permissions>]
          "tasks": {
            "set-<name>": {
              "views": [<selection of items>],
              "permissions": [<permissions>]
  • <oidc-client>: On the top level of the JSON object, you specify the OIDC client as specified in your OIDC. Available values: seal-print-client, seal-opcli and seal-webportal.

    Hint - client names in the OIDC

    It's adviced to use these exact client names in your OIDC. If that isn't possible you have to specify the client name in AUTH_CLIENT_ID for the respective service.

  • <role-specified-in-oidc>: Within roles, you specify the names of the roles specified in the OIDC identity provider. Available values in the preconfigured Keycloak from SEAL Systems are: seal-print-client-user, techuser and service-account.

  • areas: Available values: documents, lists, panels, shares, tasks

  • set-<name>: Freely choosable name for readablity purposes only.

  • <selection of items>: Within views, you specify the selection of items to which the permissions specified apply. Available values: ["ALL"] stands for all items, [] stands for none of them. You can also limit the selection by combining the struct, value and operator keys. Available operators are "eq" for an exact matching between value and struct, and "wildcard" for a wildcard matching between value and struct. For this, value may contain *.

  • <permissions>: Available values: impersonate


Example - configuration to enable the creation of documents, tasks, panels and Web Portal shares by a technical user on behalf of a real user (for example via a PLOSSYS 4 Webportal printer)

  "seal-print-client": {
      "roles": {
          "seal-print-client-user": {},
          "techuser": {
              "areas": {
                  "documents": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
                  "tasks": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
                  "panels": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
  "seal-opcli": {
      "roles": {
          "seal-print-client-user": {},
          "techuser": {
              "areas": {
                  "documents": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
                  "tasks": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
                  "panels": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
                  "shares": {
                      "set-impersonate": {
                          "views": ["ALL"],
                          "permissions": ["impersonate"]
  "seal-webportal": {
      "roles": {
          "service-account": {}

Example - techuser role with right for impersonation on all entities

  "seal-print-client": {
    "roles": {
      "seal-print-client-user": {},
      "techuser": {
        "areas": {
          "documents": {
            "set-impersonate": {
              "views": ["ALL"],
              "permissions": ["impersonate"]
          "lists": {
            "set-impersonate": {
              "views": ["ALL"],
              "permissions": ["impersonate"]
          "tasks": {
            "set-impersonate": {
              "views": ["ALL"],
              "permissions": ["impersonate"]
          "panels": {
            "set-impersonate": {
              "views": ["ALL"],
              "permissions": ["impersonate"]

By default, access to shares created is limited to users of the OIDC. If you want to enable the reading access to anyone with the link, execute the following steps.

  1. Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  2. Export the complete configuration of SEAL Operator from Consul to a YAML file with the following command. So you're making sure the current configuration settings are being used.

    operator config export <filename>.yml --insecure
  3. Edit the exported file <filename>.yml.

  4. In the env section, specify the following keys for operator-webportal service:

    • ALLOW_SHARED_ENTRIES: Specifies if public Web Portal shares are enabled. Set it to true.

    • UI_BASE_URL: URL of the Web Portal UI. Only necessary if the shareLink placeholder is used in an email template and the automatic detection of this URL is prone to fail (e.g. when shares are created through a batch process).

              ALLOW_SHARED_ENTRIES: true
  5. In the env section, specify the key PUBLIC_SERVICES for operator-server service. Set its value to 'operator-webportal'. If the key already contains a value, extend it. The key accepts comma-separated string values.

              PUBLIC_SERVICES: 'operator-webportal'
  6. Save the <filename>.yml file and re-import it to Consul.

    operator config import <filename>.yml --insecure

Setup Email Service (Optional)

Web Portal supports email notifications, that get sent through the seal-email-service. Users will get an email when they get access to a new share, or when someone accesses a share that they own.

Notifications can be disabled on a per share basis, via the WebPortal panel inside the Operator UI.

To enable this functionality you need to specify the mail server in the email-service settings:

  1. Open a Command Prompt or PowerShell.

  2. Export the complete configuration of SEAL Operator from Consul to a YAML file with the following command. So you're making sure the current configuration settings are being used.

    operator config export <filename>.yml --insecure
  3. Edit the exported file <filename>.yml.

  4. In the env section, specify the following keys for the email-service service:

              SMTP_PASSWORD: <smtp_password>
              SMTP_PORT: 25
  5. In the env section, specify the following keys for the operator-webportal service:

    • SHARE_ACCESSED_HTML: HTML of the email sent to the owner of a share when it gets accessed by an assigned user for the first time.

    • SHARE_ACCESSED_SUBJECT: Subject of the notification email to be sent when a share gets accessed for the first time by an assigned user.

    • SHARE_ACCESSED_TEXT: Text of the email sent to the owner of a share when it gets accessed by an assigned user for the first time.

    • SHARE_ASSIGNED_HTML: HTML of the notification email sent to the assigned user(s) of a share.

    • SHARE_ASSIGNED_SUBJECT: Subject of the notification sent to the assigned user(s) of a share.

    • SHARE_ASSIGNED_TEXT: Plain text of the notification email sent to the assigned user(s) of a share.

    Hint - usage of placeholders

    The following placeholders are available:

    • {expirationDate}: Expiration date of the share. Only available for SHARE_ASSIGNED_HTML and SHARE_ASSIGNED_TEXT.

    • {shareId}: ID of the share. For the structure of public and private links refer to the examples for SHARE_ASSIGNED_TEXT at the key reference. If both, public and private links to shares should be sent, it is adviced to use the {shareLink} placeholder instead.

    • {shareLink}: Automatically generated link to the share. Depending on whether the share is private or public either a private or a public link will be generated.

    • {shareName}: Name of the share given by the creator of the share.

    • {userName}: Name of the user who accessed the share. For generic type AUTH_PROVIDER the user's name isn't available. The user's email will be inserted instead. Only available for SHARE_ACCESSED_HTML and SHARE_ACCESSED_TEXT.

              SHARE_ASSIGNED_SUBJECT: 'Share assigned'
              SHARE_ASSIGNED_TEXT: 'Hello! You received access to share: "{shareName}". You can access it via this link: {shareLink}.'
              SHARE_ASSIGNED_HTML: '<h1>Hello!</h1> <div><p>You received access to share: <b>{shareName}</b>.</p> <p>You can access it via this link: {shareLink}.</p></div>'
              EMAIL_SERVICE_URL: https://localhost:3030/v1
              SHARE_ACCESSED_SUBJECT: 'Share accessed!'
              SHARE_ACCESSED_TEXT: 'Hello! {userName} accessed the share: "{shareName}". You can access the share via this link: {shareLink}.'
              SHARE_ACCESSED_HTML: '<h1>Hello!</h1> <div><p>{userName} accessed the share: <b>{shareName}</b>.</p> <p>You can access the share via this link: {shareLink}</p></div>'
  6. Save the <filename>.yml file and re-import it to Consul.

    operator config import <filename>.yml --insecure

Create Shares

Shares can be created manually in the Web Portal panel of the user interface.

Additionally, in PLOSSYS 4, you can output documents directly to an on-the-fly created Web Portal share.

For detailed instructions, refer to Create Web Portal Shares.

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