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Logging on Linux

Set the Log Level

To set the log level for all services of SEAL Operator or a specific one, the following key has to be set for any or for the specific service:

  • LOG_LEVEL: Log level for the correspondent service

SEAL Operator Services and Infrastructure

The log files of the SEAL Operator services and the infrastructure of SEAL Operator, such as MongoDB or Consul, are located in the following directory:


Hint - log file size

By default, the log files are backed up when reaching 10 MB and new log files are generated. The backup log files will be deleted after seven days. For changing this behavior, customize the configuration file of Logrotate, /etc/logrotate.d/plossys.

System and Service Manager systemd

For the logging of the system and service manager, systemd, refer to the documentation of your Linux distribution.

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