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This API description is intended for software developers.

The SEAL Operator server component provides a REST API bringing all available functionality to the client. The default TCP port used for the REST API is 3008. All REST endpoint paths are prefixed with the API version, which is currently v1.

In general, the HTTP verbs used in the REST API have the following meanings:

  • POST requests create a new resource.
  • PUT requests replace the complete metadata or binary content of a resource.
  • PATCH requests add or replace single metadata properties of a resource.
  • DELETE requests remove a resource. The dependencies have to be resolved by the client.
  • GET requests return the requested resource.

The REST endpoints are secured with OpenID Connect (OIDC) JWT access tokens. The requesting client is responsible for the user authentication and presenting the JWT token for verification to the endpoints.

Caution - read the documentation or you are doomed to fail

OAuth 2.0 and the OIDC protocol usage is not part of this documentation. For more information, refer to the OAuth 2.0 RFC, the OpenID Connect specifications and the SEAL Interfaces for OIDC documentation.

The only endpoint not secured is the /auth endpoint which, in a correctly configured system, returns the URL of the identity provider (IDP) which the client should use for retrieving the JWT token for access. For example, if the client is on the same server and the default port is used, the URL for the /auth endpoint is https://localhost:3008/v1/auth.

Example - response to a GET call on this URL

  "url": "https://localhost:32769/auth/realms/SEAL"

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